As of the close of business today, silver ended the day trading at $24.34 per ounce, pre-spot price.
Meaning anywhere on the the open market you are going to pay premium for your silver. As in at least $4 more per ounce and also shipping fees.
One year ago today silver was trading at rate of $17.31 an ounce.
Fact: Did you know 1 Troy Ounce of Silver weighs more tha 28 grams? 1 Troy Oz = 30.33 grams of silver to be exact.
As you can already see…..if you do the math correctly, mid-October 2020 (going back one year), silver has already gained 42.83% in value. Just 365 days to grow a little under 50% in value.
Compared to the average annual return of the stock market. That profit is a god send.